Thursday 3 March 2011

Bends Prima

Where better place to start when trying a new brand than their entry level product?
The Prima is the least expensive offering from relatively new company Bends, 100% hand made in Brazil. Price wise, it competes with the likes of the Hohner Big River, i paid just short of £18 with free delivery anywhere in Europe.
Unfortunately, i was dealt a bad shipping hand and had to have a replacement sent out by Santos Music, who after a couple of emails were very understanding. They are the exclusive distributor of Bends harps.

Originally only available in the key of C, and aimed at the 'my first harmonica' crowd, the Prima is now offered in C D A G and Bb also. I shall be reviewing one in the key of A.

The harp is lighter and smaller than MS series Hohners. Closer in size and weight to the Marine Band.
The cover plates are polished stainless steel, lazer etched with Bends logo and motif.
One of the main reasons i wished to try one out is the ergonomics of their design.
And in the flesh i have to say it's a pleasure on the lips!
Rounded corners, a very smooth abs plastic comb rounded inwards on each hole, and although the cover plates meet the reed plate in a very similar fashion to the Hohner Blues harp for instance, there is absolutely no sharp edges. A hohner blues harp will tear my lips to shreds if i play for any extended periods.

So, first few notes out of the box?
Very promising on lower/mid notes, tuning is pleasing to my ear. Smooth, easily bent notes with even tone across all draw/blow hole combinations.
It's a little quieter than the Hohner Big River
but it has a warmer more rounded sound which brings a little smile to my face.
The 7 hole draw took a little playing to bend correctly, a troublesome reed on nearly all harps i've played in their original state.
Holes 8 and 9 take a lot more effort than the similar price Hohner equivalents when bending on the blow. This is getting better as i play, so perhaps a little adjustment is all that'll be necessary.
Hole 10 needs definite adjustment to bend correctly on the blow.
But from a sub £20 harp i wasn't really expecting anything more.

Overall, a very playable harp right of of the box.
The smooth feeling of it on the lips makes it a joy to play, and in turn improves one's playing.
Being one of the smaller harps, it's especially easy to cup with a bullet mic.
I love the build quality and design, and for the price is a worthy competitor to Hohner- i prefer it in many ways.
If you like to play a lot of bent notes on the higher end of the harmonica like myself, the response of the 8 and 9 hole reeds is the only thing letting this harp down.
This of course can be rectified with a little reed adjustment, but in it's original state really the only fault i can find.
Hohner have some serious competition!
Click to hear Bends Prima in action

I aim to review the rest of the Bends range very soon, so watch this space